Focus Group Discussion PMI & Ecofun Indonesia : Game Edukasi Banjir

Hari Kamis, 15 Februari 2018 telah diadakan  Focus Group Discussion (FGD) antara Palang Merah Indonesia dan Tim  Ecofun Indonesia. Forum ini merupakan  tindak lanjut  dari program kerja sama Palang Merah Indonesia, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC), dengan  Ecofun Indonesia untuk membangun sebuah game edukasi bertema tentang bencana banjir. Bertempat di Markas PMI Kabupaten Bogor, forum  ini dihadiri oleh perwakilan dari organisasi dibawah naungan PMI, diantaranya Federasi Internasional Palang Merah dan Bulan Sabit Merah (IFRC), PMI Kabupaten Bogor, PMI kabupaten Bandung, PMI Pusat, Duta SIBAT Nasional, serta Korps Sukarela (KSR) Kabupaten Bogor. Acara ini juga dihadiri oleh Bapak Arifin M. Hadi, Kepala Divisi Penanggulangan Bencana PMI Pusat.

Forum dibuka oleh Bapak Abidin selaku Kepala Markas PMI Kabupaten Bogor, dalam sambutannya beliau menyampaikan berbagai hal mengenai kondisi lingkungan dan perilaku masyarakat saat ini yang masih kurang tingkat kesadarannya terhadap lingkungan khususnya di wilayah Kabupaten Bogor. Beliau mengharapkan diwaktu yang akan datang pembangunan karakter dan kesadaran masyarakat mengenai lingkungan akan meningkat dan hal tersebut dapat  dimulai dari pendidikan anak usia dini melalui media permainan edukatif.

Suasana yang serius namun hangat diselingi candaan ringan menyelimuti forum diskusi tatkala Perwakilan yang datang dari berbagai daerah turut memaparkan informasi kondisi lingkungan sesunguhnya yang terjadi di wilayah DAS Ciliwung, DAS Citarum, dan DAS Bengawan Solo. Mereka menyampaikan banyak informasi serta  masalah-masalah khusus di berbagai daerah  berdasarkan pengalaman mereka yang sudah sejak lama terjun langung ke masyarakat baik itu dalam hal penanggulangan bencana maupun penanganan pasca bencana banjir.

Diskusi dilanjutkan paparan konsep game bertema banjir yang akan dibangun oleh Founder Ecofun Indonesia, Annisa Hasanah yang diikuti dengan sesi diskusi dua arah. Peserta banyak memberikan masukan masukan yang bagus tentang akan seperti apa game ini dibuat, kemudian siapa sasaran utama yang akan menerima manfaat dari game ini dan masih banyak lagi saran saran yang mereka sampaikan terkait dengan konten game. Pada awal tahun 2018, Ecofun Indonesia telah menandatangani Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) dengan Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) untuk membangun sebuah game edukasi bertema banjir yang nantinya akan ditampilkan pada acara  seminar nasional di Jakarta pada bulan Maret mendatang. Acara ini akan dihadiri oleh Wakil Presiden Republik Indonesia, Bapak Jusuf Kalla, selaku Pembina PMI.

Nantikan game terbaru dari Ecofun Indonesia ya!

Ditulis oleh : Rizki Ihwan





PRESS RELEASE : Interpretasi Alam dengan Permainan Ecofunopoly


Segala macam kegiatan yang kita lakukan haruslah ramah lingkungan atau eco-friendly. Berbagai cara dilakukan agar kesadaran cinta alam terbangun dan tetap terjaga dalam setiap lini kehidupan. Salah satunya dengan metode permainan. Ecofunopoly merupakan permainan edukatif yang merangsang kepedulian kepada alam. Permianan yang terinspirasi dari permainan monopoly dengan berbagai macam negara yang ada dalam kotak permainannya. Berbeda dengan monopoly, ecofunopoly mengganti nama negara-negara yang ada di permainan monopoly dengan berbagai macam kampanye cinta alam. Setiap kotak berisikan pesan-pesan cinta alam yang disalurkan dengan metode pertanyaan pengetahuan terkait alam dan lingkungan. Ada berbagai macam jenis kotak yang disajikan seperti kotak yang berisi tentang air, hutan, transportasi, gaya hidup, berbelanja dan lain-lain. Jika pemain tepat berdiri di kotak berisi air maka pemain akan diberikan pertanyaan terkait air dan seterusnya jika pemain berdiri dikotak yang lainnya.

Pada hari Minggu tanggal 17 Desember 2017 mahasiswa yang mengambil mata kuliah Intepretasi Alam Departemen Konservasi Sumberdaya Hutan dan Ekowisata mengadakan Implementasi Program Intepretasi Alam di Kawasan Bumi Perkemahan Sukamantri Kabupaten Bogor Jawa Barat. Salah satunya Kelompok 7 yang menggunakan econfunopoly sebagai salah satu sarana edukatif yang disajikan. Tidak hanya itu mereka juga memiliki satu atraksi lainnya yaitu trakking yang menyusuri jalur hutan Bumi Pekemahan Sukamantri.

Peserta yang mengikuti program Intepretasi Alam itu sebanyak 16 orang yang berasal dari berbagai daerah luar IPB. Dua orang peserta berasal dari Universitas Andalas Sumatera Barat. Peserta diberangkatkan dari IPB tepat pukul 07.30 pagi dititik kumpul yang sudah disepakati. Peserta dan Panitia berangkat menggunakan dua buah angkot menuju Bumi Perkemahan Sukamantri (BPS) . Perjalanan ditempuh sekitar satu jam dari IPB hingga BPS. Perjalanan sedikit terkendala ketika memasuki areal berbatu dan menanjak, salah satu angkot yang  di naiki tidak kuat untuk naik hingga atas, sehingga harus menunggu ditengah jalan menuju BPS. Setelah semua peserta dan panitia sampai di BPS, peserta dipersilahkan untuk istirahat sejenak karena setelah itu akan diajak untuk traking menyusuri jalur yang sudah di kehendaki. Jalur traking tersebut dipilih karena memiliki sumberdaya alam yang berpotensi untuk di Intepretasikan kepada peserta.

Traking dimulai dari titik awal atau kami sebut start hingga finish yang berjarak sekitar 400 meter. Peserta diajak untuk melihat sumberdaya-sumberdaya yang ada di BPS. Ada tiga interpreter yang bertugas untuk menginterpretasikan hal-hal atau sumberdaya-sumberdaya yang ada di sepanjang jalur tersebut. Permainan selanjutnya adalah permainan inti yaitu ecofunopoly. Ecofunopoly dipandu oleh Mr dan Mrs Karbon yang bertugas sebagai pemimpin jalannya permainan. Permain dibagi dua kelompok yaitu kelompok A dan kelompok B. Kelompok A dipersilahkan bermain dahulu. Permainan dimulai ketika Mr dan Mrs karbon membagikan karbon yang digunakan sebagai penentu pemenang, dimana pemenangnya adalah yang dapat menghabiskan karbon yang ada ditangannya. Setiap kotak langkah permainan terdapat pertanyaan seputar lingkungan dan alam yang harus dijawab oleh peserta. Terdapat Reward and Punishment bagi yang dapat menjawab pertanyaan dengan baik dan bagi yang tidak. Rata-rata durasi permainan sekitar 40 menit dengan masing-masing termin permainan berisikan delapan orang peserta.

Tepat pukul 12.30 rangkaian program interpretasi kelompok 7 berakhir. Sebelum pulang panitia dan peserta makan siang bersama ditengah area Bumi Perkemahan. Peserta mengaku senang dan puas dari semua rangkaian program yang disajikan. Setelah makan siang peserta disiapkan untuk kembali ke IPB Dramaga. Pukul 13.00 peserta sudah siap kembali dengan kondisi cuaca yang saat itu hujan cukup lebat dengan kabut yang sudah mulai turun. Mengingat kondisi keselamatan panitia dan peserta, akhirnya kami tunda hingga 30 menit untuk turun. Tepat pukul 13.30 kami turun dengan kondisi hujan yang sudah sedikit reda dan kabut yang tidak begitu tebal. Perjalanan memakan waktu hingga dua jam karena angkot yang kami naiki harus berjalan dengan hati-hati mengingat medan yang cukup berat yaitu turunan berbatu dengan kondisi hujan yang masih mengguyur Bogor saat itu. Tepat pukul 15.30 tiba di tempat kumpul sebelumnya dengan selamat. Semua peserta membawa oleh-oleh pengalaman yang berharga dan mengasyikan hari itu.

Sowing the Seeds for ASEAN’s Bright Future

What could you do for your community if you had the funds and mentorship to make it happen?

That was the call to action for 2017’s Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative(YSEALI) Seeds for the Future grantees.  And all 20 responded by pulling off projects that not only impacted their local areas—they affected the ASEAN community as a whole.

Eco Life Cambodia YSEALI Southeast Asia
The 20 projects completed across ASEAN included EcoLife Cambodia, which trained young adults to advocate for local green businesses.

A small grants competition sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and funded through a grant from the U.S. Mission to ASEAN, YSEALI Seeds for the Future helps young Southeast Asian leaders turn their ideas for improving the world into reality.

Over the course of this past year, 20 projects took place in all 10 ASEAN member countries. Handling everything from illiteracy in Malaysia to teaching children about urban farming in Jakarta, these young leaders’ efforts will affect their communities for years to come.

Here are some of the greatest #YSEALISeeds successes of 2017:

Thinking Globally, Acting Locally

Green Lady Cloth Pad displays reusable feminine hygiene products at a street fair in Cambodia.

Many YSEALI Seeds projects chipped away at global problems by finding local solutions. For Green Lady Clothpad, that meant tackling the amount of plastic waste through teaching women in Cambodia and Vietnam about sustainable feminine hygiene products. In addition to selling over 900 reusable pads, the grantees held workshops to talk about menstruation, which can be a taboo topic in their countries.

“Menstruation is known as secret topic or talk in public and this is not only in Cambodia or Vietnam, it happens in most of the Asian countries and some others place around the world besides Asia.”

“Young at heart” farmers pose for a picture at one of Food SECURE Ph’s agripreneurship camps.

The issue of food insecurity is pervasive worldwide, and Food SECURE Phbelieves that one solution is to teach people to grow their own food. So, they started locally. Even though Mindanao is considered the breadbasket of the Philippines, farmers frequently don’t have enough food for their families. Food SECURE trained 95 farmers in home gardening techniques and sustainable farming.

Food SECURE Ph reached over 400 people through community lectures and activities, turned 2 hectares of unused lands into community gardens, and impacted 4 different rural communities in the Philippines

Equipping the Next Generation of Leaders

The YSEALI program empowers young leaders to make a difference in their communities, and they’re sharing the wealth by working to improve the lives of the generation even younger than them.

Arus Academy teacher Mei Ching piques students’ interest by showing up to class in a space suit.

Arus Academy is a free after-school program for low-income children in Malaysia. Using a curriculum based on Maker, STEM, and TED-Ed philosophies, Arus seeks to get unmotivated students interested in school by harnessing their natural creativity. In 2017, they directly worked with 19 students and reached over 450 others through free workshops. At the end of the year, students used what they learned at Arus to solve a societal problem. Ideas included an anti-bullying phone app that connects with teachers to inform them when you’re being bullied and automatic brakes designed to improve traffic jams.

Meanwhile, EcoLead focused on an older demographic: high school students in Vientiane, Laos. Though they only chose 22 EcoLead agents to train on environmental issues, their effect on the community was vast. The teens took the lessons they had learned on sustainability, ecotourism, and carbon footprints back to their schools through follow-up projects which reached over 3,000 people.

EcoLead Agents led a trash separating activity in their high school.

The Multiplier Effect of Training the Trainers

Several YSEALI Seeds for the Future projects hosted workshops with the idea that participants would bring what they learned back home with them. This “train the trainers” approach creates a multiplier effect, expanding the overall impact of the workshops and projects to reach a greater number of people.

Let’s Include All did this through teaching training programs in Northern Laos. Students in this area who have disabilities or speak a minority language often face additional problems in school. That’s in part because local educators frequently don’t have the training to teach these students. But after being exposed to Let’s Include All’s curriculum, 100 more teachers now know how to create more inclusive learning environments in their classrooms.

Let’s Include All teacher trainees learn how to put together a more inclusive classroom.

During the XX/XY Project’s summer workshop, young adults from Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand were trained on gender equality issues. Its impact has been extended well beyond the initial workshop. All 12 participants were paired with a mentor to help them create follow-up projects in their local communities.

Bringing ASEAN Together

Spanning 10 countries and four time zones, ASEAN’s diversity allows for the kind of inspired collaboration that has come to define YSEALI. Several of this year’s projects stretched across the region. By creating a platform to exchange ideas with other young people in ASEAN, YSEALI Seeds for the Future continues to bring the region a little closer together.

Y-Farm interns at a farm in Ubon, Thailand

Mekong Youth Farm Network, or Y-farm, was one such project that has fostered an ASEAN identity. They successfully created a network of organic farms in the five lower Mekong countries of Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. To tie the farms together, Y-farm created an exchange program where interns could spend time in another country learning about their farming practices. Additionally, the project held training courses for over 250 children across the network to learn about farm philosophy, soil protection, and the value of food.

“We envision a new generation of young farmers and consumers who are adopting sustainable practices on their farms, in their purchases, and in their communities.”

EcoFunGO ASEAN’s regional workshops had a secret weapon: a life-sized board game which both entertained and taught children about environmental issues. Ecofunopoly was created in Indonesia as an educational tool for youth to learn about carbon emissions and waste management. But its founder Annisa Hasana thought the game was relevant on a larger scale, and made Ecofunopoly a component of 68 workshops and events under the name EcoFunGo ASEAN.

EcoFunGo ASEAN has reached more than 3,000 people in 16 cities in Indonesia, Myanmar, and the Philippines. Ecofunopoly even made its U.S. debut in the spring of 2017.

The EcoFunGo! ASEAN Festival in Bogor, Indonesia was the project’s biggest event of the year, with nearly 100 students in attendance.

Enduring Impact

While the YSEALI Seeds for the Future program does fund some established projects, in many ways it functions like an accelerator program, helping provide its grantees an initial boost before they continue on their own. Almost all of the 2017 projects have plans to keep going or even expand in 2018 and in years to come.

For Green Lady Clothpad, that means starting to create sustainable feminine hygiene products themselves in an effort to create jobs for women in Cambodia and Vietnam. Dress the Dream plans on putting the money raised on their newly created e-commerce platform towards women’s issues. MYReaders hopes to expand their literacy toolkits to a larger number of schools in Malaysia and across Southeast Asia.

To learn more about the successes of 2017’s projects follow along at #SeedsSuccess and Stay tuned for the announcement of this year’s grantees!

Source :

Volunteer’s Sight

I have been volunteering in Ecofun Community-Ecofunopoly® since last year, Ecofunopoly® is the 1st environmental game board in Indonesia which aims to provide educational play set and to change community behavior toward environment.

During my time as a volunteer in this community, I have enriched my knowledge about environmental education. This game concept is unique and interactive. It has been made by the founder using some recycle material. Although it is not 100% recycled product, I am sure there will be rooms for improvement to make it more eco-friendly in future.

I can tell that Ecofunopoly® is not only to educate children to aware of our environmental issues, but it is also can help them to develop their social interactions, as we know that nowadays the young human generations are most likely becoming more focus to virtual world through their smart gadget and lesser interactions to the real human being around them.

I am enjoying contributing time and energy to local society in this way. It goes both ways. These unpaid service activities definitely have contribute greatly to my life, it has helped me becoming more caring, compassionate, and grateful, it has also helped me to develop my ability to form friendship, refine my interpersonal communication skill, and increase my time & financial management and problem solving skill.

Author : Devita Marwana

Photo by : Annisa H.

Press Release Ecofun Go! Festival (English)

The ASEAN Environmental Education Festival for Kids by Ecofun Community

On Sunday, August 27th 2017 Ecofun Community has successfully held Ecofun Go! Festival in Bogor City Hall, Bogor, Indonesia. Ecofun Go! Festival is the first ASEAN Environmental Education Festival for Kids in Bogor City, which is part of campaign project “Ecofun Go! ASEAN”, located in three ASEAN countries: Indonesia, The Phillipines, and Myanmar. The program which is led by Annisa Hasanah has won an international competition called YSEALI (Young Southeast Asian Leader’s Initiative) Future Seeds Grants 2017, This YSEALI program was initiated by The 44th President of the United States of America, Barack Obama.

In the same year, Ecofun Indonesia also won Read more

Eco Fun Go! Festival, Meet My New Family!

A Story from one of our Ecofun Go! Festival Volunteer, Raden Ajeng Faadhila Ramadhanti

Menjadi seorang volunteer Eco Fun Go! Festival adalah pengalaman yang tidak akan saya lupakan. Pandangan saya tentang volunteer menjadi lebih luas. Menjadi volunteer dalam acara besar ini ternyata tidak hanya menambah pengalaman saya, tetapi juga keluarga, informasi, juga motivasi baru. Mungkin terdengar ambisius, tetapi saat ada ‘lowongan’ untuk menjadi volunteer, hati saya tergerak untuk ikut karena sejujurnya jam terbang saya menjadi volunteer sangat minim. “Mungkin, ini kesempatan yang baik,” kata saya dalam hati waktu itu.

Apa yang membuat saya Read more

Ecofun Go! Festival Press Release (Bahasa Indonesia)

Hari Minggu, 27 Agustus 2017 Komunitas Ecofun telah sukses mengadakan Ecofun Go! Festival di Balaikota Bogor. Ecofun Go! Festival merupakan Festival Edukasi Lingkungan Anak skala ASEAN Pertama di Kota Bogor yang merupakan bagian dari proyek kampanye lingkungan ASEAN, Ecofun Go! ASEAN yang diadakan di Indonesia, Filipina, dan Myanmar. Program pelopori oleh Annisa Hasanah yang berhasil memenangkan kompetisi YSEALI (Young Southeast Asian Leader’s Initiative) Future Seeds Grants 2017, Program YSEALI ini diinisiasi oleh mantan Presiden Read more

Ecofun Go! Festival

Ayo datang ke Ecofun Go! Festival tanggal 27 Agustus mendatang!

Dapatkan hadiah Doorprize berupa Handphone, Alat Elektronik, dll!

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri


EcoFunGo! Philippines Launches its 1st Ecofunopoly Event!

The EconFunGo! ASEAN – Philippines launched its first fun-filled Ecofunopoly Event on April 2, 2017 at Baranggay Holy Spirit in Quezon City. The program was attended by almost forty (40) community children aged between 9 to 12 years old, most of them are from marginalized families who are not so privilege in life.

With the help of volunteers from the Read more