Volunteer’s Sight

I have been volunteering in Ecofun Community-Ecofunopoly® since last year, Ecofunopoly® is the 1st environmental game board in Indonesia which aims to provide educational play set and to change community behavior toward environment.

During my time as a volunteer in this community, I have enriched my knowledge about environmental education. This game concept is unique and interactive. It has been made by the founder using some recycle material. Although it is not 100% recycled product, I am sure there will be rooms for improvement to make it more eco-friendly in future.

I can tell that Ecofunopoly® is not only to educate children to aware of our environmental issues, but it is also can help them to develop their social interactions, as we know that nowadays the young human generations are most likely becoming more focus to virtual world through their smart gadget and lesser interactions to the real human being around them.

I am enjoying contributing time and energy to local society in this way. It goes both ways. These unpaid service activities definitely have contribute greatly to my life, it has helped me becoming more caring, compassionate, and grateful, it has also helped me to develop my ability to form friendship, refine my interpersonal communication skill, and increase my time & financial management and problem solving skill.

Author : Devita Marwana

Photo by : Annisa H.

Press Release Ecofun Go! Festival (English)

The ASEAN Environmental Education Festival for Kids by Ecofun Community

On Sunday, August 27th 2017 Ecofun Community has successfully held Ecofun Go! Festival in Bogor City Hall, Bogor, Indonesia. Ecofun Go! Festival is the first ASEAN Environmental Education Festival for Kids in Bogor City, which is part of campaign project “Ecofun Go! ASEAN”, located in three ASEAN countries: Indonesia, The Phillipines, and Myanmar. The program which is led by Annisa Hasanah has won an international competition called YSEALI (Young Southeast Asian Leader’s Initiative) Future Seeds Grants 2017, This YSEALI program was initiated by The 44th President of the United States of America, Barack Obama.

In the same year, Ecofun Indonesia also won Read more

Eco Fun Go! Festival, Meet My New Family!

A Story from one of our Ecofun Go! Festival Volunteer, Raden Ajeng Faadhila Ramadhanti

Menjadi seorang volunteer Eco Fun Go! Festival adalah pengalaman yang tidak akan saya lupakan. Pandangan saya tentang volunteer menjadi lebih luas. Menjadi volunteer dalam acara besar ini ternyata tidak hanya menambah pengalaman saya, tetapi juga keluarga, informasi, juga motivasi baru. Mungkin terdengar ambisius, tetapi saat ada ‘lowongan’ untuk menjadi volunteer, hati saya tergerak untuk ikut karena sejujurnya jam terbang saya menjadi volunteer sangat minim. “Mungkin, ini kesempatan yang baik,” kata saya dalam hati waktu itu.

Apa yang membuat saya Read more

Ecofun Go! Festival Press Release (Bahasa Indonesia)

Hari Minggu, 27 Agustus 2017 Komunitas Ecofun telah sukses mengadakan Ecofun Go! Festival di Balaikota Bogor. Ecofun Go! Festival merupakan Festival Edukasi Lingkungan Anak skala ASEAN Pertama di Kota Bogor yang merupakan bagian dari proyek kampanye lingkungan ASEAN, Ecofun Go! ASEAN yang diadakan di Indonesia, Filipina, dan Myanmar. Program pelopori oleh Annisa Hasanah yang berhasil memenangkan kompetisi YSEALI (Young Southeast Asian Leader’s Initiative) Future Seeds Grants 2017, Program YSEALI ini diinisiasi oleh mantan Presiden Read more