Festival Peduli Sampah Nasional 2016

On February 21th 2016 , Indonesia has been celebrated National Day of Garbage Concern (Hari Peduli Sampah Nasional). Last February 20-21th, Kebun Raya Bogor and LIPI held an event called Festival Peduli Sampah Nasional 2016. This festival provide many events such as workshop, bazaar, kids entertainment, etc.

Ecofunopoly was invited to be a guest in this festival. We open the giant Ecofunopoly board with the big dice, and offers the visitor to play. The playing activities were led by Annisa Hasanah (Founder) and Siti Wulandari (Volunteer).

The Mayor of Bogor, Dr. Bima Arya was also atrracted to Ecofunopoly after he made official speech for this event.


The Mayor of Bogor, Dr. Bima Arya visited The Giant Ecofunopoly.


Playing Ecofunopoly with High School Students in Bogor, Indonesia


Rolling the Dice


Reading the Cards


Wish we could spread more positive environmental impact!

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